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The 8 Best Houseplants for Pets

Published On: October 28, 2020By

The 8 Best Houseplants for Pets

It’s completely normal to worry about owning houseplants if you have pets. Many common houseplants are poisonous to animals if ingested. That being said, you shouldn’t have to choose between being a pet parent and a plant parent – you can be both. There are tons of non-toxic houseplants to keep in your home that will not harm your pets. While these plants are not toxic to your pets, it is best to keep all of them somewhere out of reach, as they may cause a stomach ache if ingested. Below are the 8 best houseplants for homes with pets.

Air Plant

Air Plants are great houseplants for homes with pets because they do not require soil. Which means no pets can get into the soil and make a mess! Most air plants are small, and just need to be soaked in water once a week for ten minutes. Because air plants are so small and have no bound roots, it’s best to keep them out of reach from your pets.

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas cactus is a very easy-to-care-for plant that is not toxic to your pets. That being said, it may cause some stomach discomfort if ingested, so it’s best left somewhere out of reach. Christmas cacti do best when watered regularly and placed in bright, indirect light.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are another really easy houseplant for beginners. It’s also very easy to propagate and grow even more spider plants. This plant does best in bright, indirect light, but will still survive in spaces with low light. Make sure to not overwater and let the soil dry between waterings.

Parlor Palm

Despite being a palm plant, the parlor palm is a great indoor houseplant. It prefers low to bright, indirect light and should be watered weekly. If taken care of properly, it can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Boston Fern

Some plants labeled ferns may be toxic to your pets, so it’s important to do your research. The Boston fern, however, is a completely safe houseplant for your pets. Their leaves may be tempting to your pets to chew on, so it’s best left somewhere out of reach. Boston ferns prefer humidity, moist soil, and lots of indirect sunlight.


Calathea plants, or zebra plants, are visually interesting tropical plants. When talking about the best houseplants for pets, this one definitely makes the list. Too much light causes the leaves to bleach and lose their color, so it can be put in the darker areas of your house


Haworthia is just like aloe, except it’s safe for your pets! Because it’s used to desert conditions, it doesn’t require much water, making it great for those of us who don’t have green thumbs. Haworthia prefers bright, direct sunlight. This houseplant is completely safe for cats and dogs.

Friendship Plant

The friendship plant, named after how easy it is to break apart and share with a friend, is completely pet-friendly. This houseplant prefers medium to low light and plenty of humidity. Because of this, many people use friendship plants in terrariums.


Hopefully, at least one of these eight houseplants for pets fits your needs! If you’re looking for other easy houseplants for beginners, check out our blog post. For more tips on enjoying your home, sign up for our once-monthly blog newsletter.