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Summer Organization Tips: How Self Storage Can Help

Published On: June 25, 2024By

Summer Organization Tips: How Self Storage Can Help. Maximize Your Space: Summer Home Organization Tips with Guardian Storage Solutions

Maximize Your Space: Summer Home Organization Tips with Self Storage Solutions

Summer is the perfect time to get your home organized. With longer days and kids often out and about, you can take advantage of the quieter moments to streamline your living space. Not only will this make your home more enjoyable during the summer, but it will also prepare you for the cozy indoor season of winter. Here’s how you can use self storage to help with your summer organization.

1. Declutter and Sort

Start by decluttering your home. Go through each room and sort items based on what you use regularly and what can be stored away for the season. For instance, winter clothes, heavy blankets, and seasonal decorations can take up valuable space during the summer months.

2. Use Self Storage for Seasonal Items

Self storage units are a perfect solution for items that you don’t need on a daily basis. During summer, store your bulky winter gear such as coats, boots, and ski equipment. This will free up closet space for your summer wardrobe and make your home feel more spacious and organized.

3. Rotate Seasonal Tools and Equipment

Colorado’s diverse weather means you have different tools and equipment for each season. Lawn mowers, gardening tools, and pool accessories are essential in the summer but can clutter your garage. Conversely, snow blowers and shovels are necessary in winter but take up space in summer. By using a storage unit, you can easily rotate these items, keeping only what you need on hand.

4. Organize by Category

When placing items in storage, organize them by category. Use clear, labeled bins for easy identification. This way, when you need to swap items with the changing seasons, you can quickly find what you’re looking for without digging through piles of boxes.

5. Involve Your Kids

Get your children involved in the organization process. Turn it into a fun activity by making a game out of sorting and decluttering. This is also a great opportunity to teach them about giving. Encourage them to donate toys and clothes they no longer use to those in need.

6. Plan a Garage Sale

Summer is a great time for a garage sale. As you go through your belongings, set aside items that you no longer need but are still in good condition. A garage sale can help you declutter your garage while also making a little extra money.

7. Optimize Your Home Layout

With extra space gained from storing seasonal items, consider rearranging your furniture to create a more open and inviting layout. This can make your home feel bigger and more comfortable during the summer.

8. Regular Maintenance

Finally, keep up with regular maintenance. A little effort each week can prevent clutter from building up again. Set aside time to tidy up and reassess what you need to keep at home and what can go back into storage.

How Self Storage Can Help

Using self storage is a practical and efficient way to manage your home’s organization throughout the year. By storing seasonal items, you can free up space in your home and keep everything organized and accessible. Whether it’s bulky winter clothes or summer gardening tools, a storage unit can provide the extra space you need to keep your home clutter-free.

If you’re ready to get organized this summer, visit your nearest Guardian Storage.

Our professional property managers can help you find the perfect storage unit to fit your needs. Get started today and enjoy a more organized and spacious home!